MODAL VERBS: By Nataliia Svynarchuk (Student's Work)




Greetings, language enthusiasts!

Did you know that modal verbs can affect our lives in unexpected ways? For instance, if you use "should" too often, you might become known as the office busybody, always telling people what they should or shouldn't do. On the other hand, if you use "could" too often, you might come across as indecisive or wishy-washy. While modal verbs may seem like small and insignificant words, they can have a big impact on how we communicate and how we are perceived by others. So choose your modals wisely.



Click on the video below to watch some helpful information about Modal verbs!


To practice using the modal verbs, do the following exercises and leave your answers in the Comments:

·       Fill in the blanks with "must", "need to", "shall", "should", "ought to", "have to“:

1.     You _________ wear a helmet while riding a bicycle to ensure your safety.

2.     Students ____________ complete their homework assignments on time.

3.     If you want to get better at playing the piano, you ____________ practice every day.

4.     We ____________ be polite and respectful to others.

5.     In order to improve your health, you ____________ exercise regularly.

6.     When cooking, you ____________ follow the recipe carefully to avoid mistakes.

7.     It's raining outside, so you ____________ take an umbrella with you.

8.     If you're not feeling well, you ____________ see a doctor for a check-up.

9.     Before an important exam, students _________ review their notes and textbooks.

10. If you want to succeed in your career, you ____________ work hard and be dedicated.


·       Role-playing game "Working day". Play the roles of different workers and say about your duties at work using modal verbs:



I have to…



Thanks for reading my post. If you do follow the advice on this page, I guarantee that your English will absolutely improve. Good luck!



  1. NATASHA: 1) if you created the text and tables on your own, that's great! But if you used sb else's work, you are to show credits. Please, think critically while copying, e.g. list of meanings of the modal verb MAY is in complete. But I think the communicative aspect of the activities you've chosen is very useful.

  2. It is really cool info 🎊📚👨‍🏫


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