Writing Task 2




40 minutes




250 words

You need to write a argumentative

essay. You be given    

an opinion, problem or issue that you need to respond to.






For and against essay

Есе "За і Проти"


Balanced essay

Збалансоване есе


One -side essay

Есе одного напряму


Sentences stems



Topic sentence

Тематичне речення





Listing points

Перелічення пунктів

IELTS essay structure :


Table 1


Sentences stems






Topic sentences to introduce advantages

1.  There are a number of benefits to/arguments in favour of...

2.One/A major argument/benefit (of)...

1.  There are a number of benefits to taking a gap year .

2.  One major benefit of regular exercise is improved cardiovascular health.





Topic sentences to introduce



1. On the other hand, there are some downsides/a number of disadvantages/arguments against...


1. On the other hand, there are

some downsides to living in a big city, such as higher living costs

and increased pollution.


































Listing points












1. In the first place,


2.  Firstly,


3. To begin/start with,


4.  Secondly,


5.  Furthermore,


6.  In addition,


7.  What is more,


8.  On the other hand,...

1.    In the first place, it's essential to outline the key objectives of the project before we

proceed with the planning phase.

2.    Firstly, I would like to thank

everyone for their hard work and dedication in making this event a success.

3.    To begin with, let's discuss the most critical aspects of the project that need immediate attention.

4.    Secondly, it's important to

consider the environmental impact of the proposed construction project before proceeding with any further planning.

5.    Furthermore, the new

software update not only improves security but also enhances user interface


6.    In addition, the company plans to expand its

operations to international markets next year.

7.    What is more, the budget for

the project has been increased to accommodate additional research expenses.

8.    On the other hand, while the

new software oers enhanced features, it also requires more system resources.













Introduction examples/






1.  For example/instance,


2.  This is because of/due to...


3.  This is due to the fact that...

1.    For example, many fruits,

such as apples, oranges, and bananas, are rich in vitamins and nutrients.

2.    This is because of the increase in demand for electric vehicles, which has driven up the price of lithium-ion batteries.




3. This is due to the fact that the company has invested

heavily in research and

development over the past decade.














Introduction results




1.  Consequently,


2.  As a result,


3.  Therefore,


4.  This way,


5.  This may lead to...

1.    Consequently, the company decided to cut costs by reducing its workforce.

2.    As a result, the new

marketing campaign significantly increased product sales.

3.    Therefore, it is essential for businesses to adapt to changing market conditions.

4.    This way, we can streamline

our workflow and improve eciency.

5.    This may lead to a better

understanding of customer needs and preferences.











Showing contrast




1.  However,


2.  Although,


3.  On the other hand,

1.    However, the project faced unexpected delays due to inclement weather.

2.    Although the budget was

limited, the team managed to complete the project on time and within the allocated funds.

3.    On the other hand, the

competitor's product oers more features at a lower


























1.  All in all,


2.  To sum up,


3.  In conclusion,


4.  All things considered,

1.    All in all, the conference was a great success, with insightful presentations and productive networking


2.    To sum up, the main goals of the project were achieved,

and the team is ready to move on to the next phase.

3.    In conclusion, the research indicates that there is a clear correlation between regular exercise and improved

overall health.

4.    All things considered, the pros of investing in

renewable energy sources far outweigh the cons in terms of environmental benefits.












Expressing an opinion




1.  I think...


2.  I (strongly) believe...


3.  In my opinion,


4.  As far as I am concerned,

1.    I think it's a good idea to invest in renewable energy for a sustainable future.

2.    I strongly believe that

education is the key to

personal and societal growth.

3.    In my opinion, the new government policies will have a positive impact on the





4. As far as I am concerned, the most pressing issue we face today is climate change.



Task 1. Read the text. Underline ”Sentences Stems” in the text.


Imagine studying for a degree but never actually going to a lecture hall. That's exactly what people who study online do. In my opinion, studying online is not a good option for a variety of reasons.

To begin with, online courses are sometimes not valued very highly. For example, some employers may not consider them equal to qualifications earned from third-level institutions. This means that you may be at a disadvantage when applying for jobs. Secondly, people who study online must be self-motivated. For instance, if you study at home, you don't get support and encouragement from lecturers or classmates. Therefore, you may find it dicult to motivate yourself to study. In addition, there are technical requirements that come with studying online. For example, you always have to have a working computer and Internet connection. As a result, if your computer breaks down or you lose Internet access, you will be unable to study.

On the other hand, there are positives to studying online. For one, online courses give you greater flexibility. For instance, you can study at your own pace and whenever suits you. This way, people who work or have children can find the time to further their education.

To sum up, since online courses are sometimes not valued, require self-motivation and a working computer, they are not a smart choice, despite them being useful for people with busy lifestyles After all, learning is not just about studying a subject but discussing it with people around you, and that can only happen on campus. (250 Words)

Task 2 . a) Underline the key words in the rubric, then read the model essay. Replace the linking words/phrases in bold with words/phrases from the " Sentences Stems" table.

Nowadays, many schools have computers and interactive whiteboards. What are the pros and cons of using technology in the classroom?

These days, many classrooms have computers and interactive whiteboards (IWBs). How useful is technology in schools?

1) There are a number of benefits to using technology in classrooms, 2) Firstly, technology can bring a subject to life through visualisation. 3) For example, WBs allow students to see a video on the topic they are discussing. 4) Consequently, lessons would become more enjoyable and interesting. 5) Furthermore, by using technology students can explore subjects on their own and at their own pace. For instance, by using the Internet on computers, they could research and write projects. 6) As a result, they would become more engaged with the subject that they are learning.

7) On the other hand, there are some downsides to using technology in the classroom. 8) To begin with, there are a limited number of tasks that can be done using technology. 9) For instance, many IWB programmes only oer matching or multiple choice type exercises. As a result, lessons could become repetitive and boring. 10) Secondly, using technology in schools can be expensive. IWBs and computers for example, can cost thousands of pounds, and technical support sta would need to be hired to install and maintain them. 11) Therefore, schools would have less money to spend on other things

12) All things considered, even though electronic learning materials only oer limited types of exercise and can cost a lot of money, using technology in the classroom can make learning more interesting and allow students to learn on their own. In my opinion, the best option is to use both printed and electronic materials in the classroom. As John Medina said, "Every student's brain is wired dierently, so we should oer students a range of learning materials in their education. (279 words)

Task 2 .b) Define sentence stems according to the classification in Table 1.

Task 3. Which two of the sentences can replace the topic sentences in the model essay in Task 2?

1.      There is a lot to be said for using technology in schools.

2.      Technological devices in classrooms make teaching a much easier job.

3.      The use of technology in classrooms is denitely here to stay.

4.      However, using technology as part of classroom learning is not without its drawbacks.


Task 4. a) Underline the key words in the rubric. Answer the questions.

In your English class you have been talking about part-time jobs for secondary school students. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework. Write your essay (250words) using all the notes and giving reasons to justify your points.

Nowadays, it is popular for secondary school students to work in part-time jobs throughout the school year. What, in your opinion, are the main advantages and disadvantages of students working part- time?


Write about:

1.    gaining work experience

2.    learning value of money

3.(your own idea)

1.    What are you going to write? Who for?

2.    What style should you write in?

3.    How many words should you use?

Task 4. b) Match the arguments to the justifications/results. Are you going to write a balanced or a one-sided essay?



1.     academic performance can suer

2.    learn value of money

3.    gain work experience




a)  more likely to spend cash wisely; learn life skills

b) have better career prospects; impress

c) work can make them feel tired; lower marks due to lack of study time




  1. Absolutely! This breakdown of IELTS Writing Task 2 by Anastacia Fedorchuk is incredibly helpful. The structured approach with categorized sentence stems and a model essay simplifies the process for students. It demystifies the task and provides a clear framework for constructing essays, making it less intimidating. The resource enhances understanding and emphasizes the importance of varied sentence structures. I'm curious, how did Anastasia develop this organized framework? Any common challenges students face with these structures? Before, I saw the task as rigid, but now I feel it's manageable and flexible for constructing arguments within the word limit. It simplifies the process and emphasizes using diverse sentence structures to enhance responses. THANK U :)


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