Degrees of comparison: by Kate Holovina (Student's Work)


Degrees of comparison in English grammar define the degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, which allows you to express the relative degree of quality or quantity of an object. There are three degrees: positive, comparative, and superlative.

Positive Degree:

Використовується для опису одного об'єкта без порівняння з іншими.

Приклади: tall (високий), fast (швидкий), smart (розумний).

Comparative Degree:

Використовується для порівняння двох об'єктів.

Зазвичай додається суфікс "-er" (для односкладових прикметників) або використовується слово "more" перед прикметником чи прислівником.

Приклади: taller (вищий), faster (швидший), more intelligent (розумніший).

Superlative Degree:

Використовується для порівняння трьох або більше об'єктів.

Зазвичай додається суфікс "-est" (для односкладових прикметників) або використовується слово "most" перед прикметником чи прислівником.

Приклади: tallest (найвищий), fastest (найшвидший), most intelligent (найрозумніший).

Task 1. Study the information.

Task 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective or adverb. Choose from positive, comparative, or superlative degrees.

The coffee is __________ (hot) than the tea.

Her performance was the __________ (impressive) of all.

This puzzle is __________ (difficult) than the one we did last week.

Mount Everest is the __________ (high) peak in the world.

The movie was __________ (exciting) than I expected.

She sings __________ (beautiful) than anyone in the choir.

This is the __________ (large) pizza they have.

The weather today is __________ (good) than yesterday.

The Nile River is __________ (long) river in Africa.

His explanation was __________ (clear) of all.

Task 3: Rewrite the sentences using the degrees of comparison.

The cat is fast.

She dances well.

This book is interesting.

The car is expensive.

My sister is intelligent.

The exam was easy.

The mountain is high.

The concert was loud.

The restaurant is crowded.

The painting is beautiful.

Task 4: Use '' or 'than' to complete the sentences.

My sister is __________ smart __________ my brother.

This movie is __________ boring __________ the one we watched last night.

The rose is __________ red __________ the tulip.

I am __________ excited __________ you about the trip.

The new smartphone is __________ expensive __________ the old one.

She is __________ tall __________ her friend.

The train is __________ fast __________ the bus.

The homework is __________ difficult __________ the quiz.

Your computer is __________ powerful __________ mine.

The beach is __________ beautiful __________ the mountains.

Task 5: Create your own sentences. Use at least three adjectives or adverbs in each sentence, making sure to include positive, comparative, and superlative degrees. Share your sentences with a partner and discuss.







  1. I think your activities are quite helpful. They cover an important grammar concept that students learn in school, focusing on the "Degrees of Comparison." The initial table aids students in understanding the rules effectively. It's crucial that the exercises begin with simpler tasks and gradually become more challenging. However, I'm curious about the target grade level— if these activities are designed for 10th or 11th grade, is a Ukrainian translation of the rules necessary? While exercises for controlled practice are attractive, the final one might not be as engaging for teenagers who prefer interactive resources and gadgets. In conclusion, I can infer that Task 5 not only assesses students' understanding but also promotes independent thinking and the ability to construct sentences meaningfully. I think I should encourage students further to create sentences independently using the target language and then share their ideas.

  2. Katia the Author, we discussed at our Class in EPP the requirements for handouts. Katia the commentator, your grade for this feedback is 9. Teacher

  3. This article is a great guide to understanding degrees of comparison in English grammar! It explains the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees in a simple way. The examples provided for each degree make it easy to grasp how adjectives and adverbs change to express different levels of quality or quantity. Helpful for learners looking to enhance their language skills!


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