📚 Mastering Past Tenses Challenge: By Anastasia Kotova (Student's Work)

 Embark on a journey to enhance your command of past tenses through engaging exercises. 🚀

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Read the text and complete the sentences using the correct form of the past tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, or Past Perfect).

Yesterday, while I (1) ________________ on my computer, the power suddenly (2) ________________ out. I (3) ________________ in the middle of an important project, and I (4) ________________ my work yet. As I (5) ________________ in the dark, I (6) ________________ that I (7) ________________ to save my work for the past hour. I (8) ________________ frustrated because I (9) ________________ so hard. While I (10) ________________ to remember the details of my work, the power (11) ________________ back. I quickly (12) ________________ my computer, and fortunately, the document (13) ________________. I (14) ________________ my lesson, and since then, I (15) ________________ my work more frequently.

Exercise 2: Complete the Sentences

Read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the past tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, or Past Perfect).

  1. When I arrived at the party, everyone (1) ________________
  2. While they (2) ________________ dinner, the phone (3) ________________.
  3. By the time we (4) ________________ the cinema, the movie (5) ________________.
  4. When the teacher (6) ________________ the classroom, the students (7) ________________ loudly.
  5. She (8) ________________ for the bus when it suddenly (9) ________________.
  6. Before I (10) ________________ it, the weekend (11) ________________.
🌟 Challenge yourself by completing these exercises! Share your answers and celebrate your journey to mastering past tenses. 🎉


  1. Nastia, please, avoid using colorful phrases in academic instructions. Why is in each of your 2 exercises different number of units of assessment? Where are the grading scales? Teacher.


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