RECENT TENDENCIES IN TEFL/TESOL PRACTICES: Teaching Pronunciation: By Timothy Vasheka (stusent's work)

 Teaching Pronunciation

The landscape of teaching pronunciation in TEFL/TESOL is evolving, with a focus on incorporating innovative strategies and technologies. Pronunciation instruction now recognizes the influence of various factors, including the context of teaching, the teacher, and the learners. Emphasizing key principles for effective pronunciation teaching, educators are exploring new trends to enhance the learning experience.

One prominent trend is the integration of technology, specifically computer-assisted pronunciation teaching (CAPT). This includes dedicated resources and general-purpose digital tools such as video-conferencing and recording apps. CAPT resources offer consistent language models, a variety of voices, and opportunities for learner autonomy. However, challenges persist, with the need for further development to ensure desired outcomes, as highlighted by a 2013 review of smartphone apps.

An integrated approach to teaching pronunciation is another noteworthy trend. Pronunciation is recognized as intrinsic to other language skills, especially speaking, listening, and vocabulary. Educators are exploring how pronunciation activities can be seamlessly integrated into various language skills, creating a support system that operates in the background.

Furthermore, the role of the learners' L1 (native language) is gaining attention. While L1 can pose challenges in perceiving certain sounds and features, it is also acknowledged as a valuable resource. Learners can leverage their L1 to enhance their progress in English pronunciation, providing a basis for understanding key features for international intelligibility.

In summary, teaching pronunciation in TEFL/TESOL is witnessing a shift towards technology integration, an integrated approach to language skills, and a nuanced understanding of the learners' linguistic backgrounds. As educators navigate these trends, considerations for the suitability of digital resources, learner autonomy, and the role of human teachers remain pivotal in ensuring effective pronunciation instruction.


  1. A thoughtful exploration of the current trends in teaching pronunciation in TEFL/TESOL! The integration of technology, the emphasis on an integrated approach, and the recognition of learners' native languages showcase the dynamic evolution of language instruction. The considerations for digital resources and the role of human teachers add a practical dimension to this comprehensive overview. Well done!

  2. Teaching pronunciation is a mega complex task, Tim. Thank you for bringing this topic in the centre of new teachers' attention.


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